Kitchen Range Hoods: Additional Resources & Tools
Check out the updates that we’ve created since this issue brief and guide were first launched.
Range Hood Overview
New Perspectives on Kitchen Ventilation.
Webinar on the measurement of cooking-related contaminants and best practices for ventilation.
AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre), May 23, 2019.
Healthy Indoor Air Quality Guides and Checklist Tool for energy upgrades and retrofits, Single- and Multi-Family.
Guidelines from the EPA and DOE. See local exhaust ventilation topics and related links.
Range Hood Buying Guide.
A summary of key features of range hoods.
Consumer Reports. May 2017.
Home, Home on the Range Hood.
The what, why, and how of range hoods.
Brook, D., 1997. Home Energy, November–December.
Cooking Up Indoor Pollution.
News article on LBNL modeling study of health risks from gas stove and on electric stove emissions.
Nicole, W., 2014. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122: A27.
Fact Sheet: Residential Cooking Exposure Study Finds Unhealthful Levels.
Highlights and recommendations from extensive test home study of gas and electric stove cooking.
CARB (California Air Resources Board), 2001.

Kitchen Ventilation Videos
Looking for Hazardous Pollutants in Your Kitchen
Measuring the pollutants emitted by cooking foods and evaluating how effective various range hoods are in capturing the pollutants.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2013
Looking for Hazardous Pollutants in Your Kitchen Video: YouTube
What’s Cooking? The air quality in your kitchen
Presentation on cooking and air quality from Science Showcase.
University of Colorado, 2017
What’s Cooking? The air quality in your kitchen Video: YouTube
Design and Installation

Installation guides and training videos for kitchen ventilation.
Building America Solutions Center, Pacific Northwest National Labs, U.S. Department of Energy, 2017.
- “Kitchen Exhaust Guide” describes how to install efficient kitchen exhaust systems. - “Air Sealing Bathroom and Kitchen Exhaust Fans Guide” describes how to air seal bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans.
First Deal with the Manure and Then Don’t Suck.
Recommendations for designing residential range hoods and ventilation systems.
Lstiburek, J. 2014. Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA.
REHVA Residential heat recovery ventilation
European guidebook under preparation.
Kurnitsky, J., REHVA Journal 54(6), December 2017.
Makeup Air Specifics
How to Provide Makeup Air for Range Hoods
If your kitchen has a powerful exhaust fan, it may be making your indoor air worse.
Holladay, M., June 8, 2015. Green Building Advisor.
Kitchen Ventilation Systems: Providing Adequate Makeup Air
Builders Brief, Part 2
Jellen, A., Turns, Brian Wolfgang, B. 2012b. Pennsylvanian Housing Research Center. University Park, PA.
Makeup Air for the Range Hood
Design, installation, and commissioning tips.
Guertin, M., May 12, 2017. Fine Homebuilding.
Range Hood Make-Up Air Specifier
Interactive tool for meeting building codes in several states make-up air for domestic range hoods in dwelling units.
Broan, 2018.
Induction Stoves

Building Decarbonization Coalition
- Kitchen Electrification Industry Resources: Consolidation of the latest kitchen electrification research, reports, incentive and lending programs, and more in one place for industry stakeholders. Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on financial incentives, state and local standards, webinars, etc. - Now We’re Cooking! Consumer Campaign: A program for chefs at home and at work.
Pros and Cons of Induction Cooktops and Ranges
Testing and rating for high heat, low heat, and reliability, but not noise. Countertop stoves have not been tested yet.
Consumer Reports, updated June 22, 2022.
Testing an Induction Cooktop: A low-cost induction cooktop that plugs into a wall outlet
Martin Holladay, June 10, 2022. Green Building Advisor*
*See Also: Comments section and links to Related Articles below this and other induction-related articles. Free trial subscriptions are available at Green Building Advisor.
Zero Emission Construction Guides
Comprehensive guides and summaries on induction stoves and heat pumps for residential and commercial buildings.
Redwood Energy*
*New information is presented every year at their Zero Carbon Workshops, live and on YouTube.
A Health Professional’s Guide: Fact Sheets about Building Electrification and Health
Includes tips for health professionals on how to discuss induction stoves, the health risks of gas stoves, health equity, and how to promote healthy electrification.
FAQs on indoor pollutants are also provided.
The Case for Induction Cooking
Clark, M., March 17, 2022, The New York Times.
Electric vs. Induction Cooktop:
Which Is Greener? Is there more to sustainability than just hot air?
Mora, G., updated August 6, 2022, Tree Hugger*
*See Also: Related articles
The Best Portable Induction Cooktop
Wharton, R., updated March 7, 2022, Wirecutter.*
Three single-burner models were tested and rated for various cooking tests and consumer feedback.
A double burner model and specialized burners were also tested.
*See Also: Research and other related links.
Local and State Programs
Electric utilities, housing agencies, green building groups, energy efficiency groups, and other programs often provide information and webinars on building electrification. Some provide loaner countertop induction burners to customers.
Contact your local and state programs for more information.
Research & Standards
Technical Note AIVC 68: Residential Ventilation and Health.
An in-depth report on indoor contaminants and the role of ventilation in reducing exposure.
Borsboom, W., De Gids, W., Logue, J. Sherman, S., and Wargocki, P., 2016. AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre).
Cooking and Range Hoods.
Research summary, seminar, reports, etc.
California Air Resources Board, 2016.
CARB IAQ Guidelines Update.
The Board directed staff to update its indoor air quality guidelines and model IAQ rules.The draft update to the indoor NO2 standard is expected by late 2022.
California Air Resources Board, 2020.
CARB Resolution 20-32; Sierra Club, 2020.
Development of the Industry’s First Smart Range Hood.
Research project to develop a very quiet, highly effective range hood with automatic controls using a pollutant sensor.
U.S. Department of Energy, 2017 and 2019.
2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings.
Noise, air flow, capture efficiency, and testing requirements for kitchen ventilation
CEC (California Energy Commission), 2021.
See: Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 7, Sec. 150.0(o) 1 (G). Local mechanical exhaust, and Tables 150.0-E and 150.0-G.

ROCIS Presentations
Keep a Lid On It: Best Practices for Reducing Cooking Pollution in Homes
Webinar by ROCIS Principal Investigator Tom Phillips, ROCIS 12/15/20 and EEBA 9/15/21 (update)
North American Passive House Network 2018 Conference
October 17–21, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA
“Beyond Dilution: Reducing Exposure to Particle Pollution in High Performance Homes” – Linda Wigington (ROCIS)
“Healthy Kitchen Ventilation: Best Practices in Low-E Homes” – Tom Phillips (ROCIS)