Kitchen Hood Issue Brief References

AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre), 2019. New Perspectives on Kitchen Ventilation. Webinar, May 23.

Appliance411, 2018. FAQ: What Should My Gas Range’s Flames Look Like?

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ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials), March/April 2017. Proposed Standard Will Test Range Hood Ventilation. See also: ASTM, 2017. ASTM E3087 – 17, Standard Test Method for Measuring Capture Efficiency of Domes.c Range Hoods.

Barry, B., 2017.  One Sky Homes, San Jose, CA.  Personal communication. March 6..  See also:  Mother Nature News, n.d. Hyperventilation about kitchen ventilation.

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Borsboom, W., de Gids, W., Walker, I., and Jacobs, P., 2018. Assessment of range hoods based on exposure. AIVC 2018 Conference.

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Coker, E.S., Smit, E., Harding, A.K., Molitor, J., and Kile, M.L., 2015. A Cross Sectional Analysis of Behaviors Related to Operating Gas Stoves and Pneumonia in U.S. Children under the Age of 5. BMC Public Health 15(1): 77.

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DOE (U.S. Department of Energy), 2017 and 2019. Development of the Industry’s First Smart Range Hood. Peer review presentations.

Felton, J., 1995. Food Mutagens: The Cooking Makes the Difference. Science and Technology Review, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, June-July. Three part series.

Fisher, D., Swierczyna, R., and Karas, A., 2015. Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Exhaust Hoods: Capture and Containment. ASHRAE J, November: 26–37.

Fisher-Nickel, Inc., 2011. Side Shields Really Work (video). Ventilation Lab, Food Service Technology Center, San Ramon, CA.

Fluckiger, B., Seifert, M., Koller, T., and Monn, C., 2000. Air Quality Measurement in a Model Kitchen Using Gas and Electric Stoves. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2000, Espoo, Finland, August 6–10, paper 363.

Fortmann, R., Kariher, P., and Clayton, R., 2001. Indoor Air Quality: Residential Cooking Exposures. Final Report, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA, Contract # 97-330.

Grainger, 2017. How to Choose the Right Exhaust Fan. (Based on AMCA Publication 302). W.W. Grainger, Inc., Miami, FL.

Guertin, M., 2017. Makeup Air for the Range Hood. Design, installation, and commissioning tips. Fine Homebuilding.

HVI (Home Ventilating Institute), 2018. Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory, Kitchen range hood category. Morehead City, NC, January 5 edition.

IMC (International Mechanical Code), 2018.  Chapter 5 Exhaust Systems. ICC PublicACCESS. Accessed January 10, 2018.

Jacobs, P., Boorsboom. W. and Kemp, R., 2016. PM2.5 in Dutch dwelling due to cooking. AIVC 2016 Conference, Alexandria, Egypt. Accessed January 19, 2018.

Jacobs, P., and Borsboom, W., 2017. REHVA European HVAC Journal, June 2017: 21–26. Cooking exhaust systems for low energy dwellings.

Jellen, A.C., Wolfgang, B.M, and Turns, M.A., 2012a. Kitchen Ventilation Systems: Part 1. Evaluating the 2009 IRC Requirement for Makeup Air. The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, Builder Brief, BB0312, March 2012.

Jørgensen, R., Bramming, B., Strandberg, A., Sjaastad, K., Johansen A., and Svendsen, K., 2013. Simulated Restaurant Cook Exposure to Emissions of PAHs, Mutagenic Aldehydes, and Particles from Frying Bacon. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 10(3): 122–131.

Karg, R., 2016. ASHRAE 62.2: What’s New in in 2016? 2016 RESNET Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 29–March 2.

Kile, M.L, Coker, E.S., Smit, E., Sudakin, D., Molitor, J., and Harding, A.K., 2014. A Cross-Sectional Study of the Association between Ventilation of Gas Stoves and Chronic Respiratory Illness in U.S. Children Enrolled in NHANESIII. Environmental Health 13: 71.

Kim, Y.-S., Walker, I.S., and Delp, W.W., 2018. Development of a Standard Capture Efficiency Test Method for Residential Kitchen Ventilation. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, January, 1–12.

Knize, M.G., 2006. 11 – Assessing Human Exposure to Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines. In Acrylamide and Other Hazardous Compounds in Heat-Treated Foods, 231–246. Woodhead Publishing.

Kuehn, T.H., Ramsey, J., Han, H., Perkovich, M., and Youssef, S., 1989. A Study of Kitchen Range Hood Exhausts. ASHRAE Transactions 95(1): 744.

Logue, J.M., McKone, T.E., Sherman, M.H., and Singer, B.C., 2011. Hazard Assessment of Chemical Air Contaminants Measured in Residences. Indoor Air 21(2): 92–109.

Logue, J.M., Klepeis, N.E., Lobscheid, A.B., and Singer, B.C., 2013. Pollutant Exposures from Natural Gas Cooking Burners: A Simulation-Based Assessment for Southern California. Environmental Health Perspectives 122: 43–50.

Logue, J.M., and Singer, B.C., 2014. Energy Impacts of Effective Range Hood Use for All U.S. Residential Cooking. HVAC&R Research 20(2): 264–275.

Lstiburek, J., 2014. Zeroing In: Net Zero Houses. ASHRAE J, October.

Militello-Hourigan, R., and Miller, S.L., 2018. The impacts of cooking and an assessment of indoor air quality in Colorado passive and tightly constructed homes. Building and Environment 144: 573-582.

Minnesota, 2015. Minnesota Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes. The 2015 Minnesota Administrative Rules, Part 1346.0501, Section 501 General, Department of Labor and Industry.

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NCI (National Cancer Institute), 2017. Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk.

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O’Leary, C., Jones, B., and Hall, I., 2018. Estimated distributions of PM2.5 concentrations in the kitchens of the English housing stock for infiltration and mechanical ventilation scenarios. AIVC  2018 Conference.

O’Leary, C., Kluizenaar, Y., Jacobs, P., Borsboom, W., Hall, I., Jones, B., 2019. Investigating measurements of fine particle (PM2.5) emissions from the cooking of meals and mitigating exposure using a cooker hood. Indoor Air 29: 423– 438.

Pacitto, A., Stabile, L., Moreno, T., Kumar, P., Wierzbicka, A., Morawska, L., and Buonanno, G., 2018. The Influence of Lifestyle on Airborne Particle Surface Area Doses Received by Different Western Populations. Environmental Pollution 232(January): 113–122.

Parrott, K., Emmel, J., and Beamish, J., 2003. Use of kitchen ventilation: Impact on indoor air quality. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues 8(1).

Paulin, L.M., Williams, D.L., Peng, R., Diette, G.B., McCormack, M.C., Breysse, P., Hansel, N.N., 2018. 24-h Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration Is Associated with Cooking Behaviors and an Increase in Rescue Medication Use in Children with Asthma. Environmental Research 159: 118–123.

Poon, C., Wallace, L., and Lai, A.C.K., 2016. Experimental Study of Exposure to Cooking Emitted Particles under Single Zone and Two-Zone Environments. Building and Environment 104(August): 122–130.

Poudel, B.K., Choi, J., Park, J.H., Doh, K.O., and Byeon, J.H., 2017. In Vitro Exposure of Simulated Meat-Cooking Fumes to Assess Adverse Biological Effects. Scientific Reports 7: 10841.

Rashkin, S., 2016. Improving Air Quality in the Kitchen. Professional Builder, November.

Rim, D., Wallace, L., Nabinger, S. and Persily, A., 2012. Reduction of Exposure to Ultrafine Particles by Kitchen Exhaust Hoods: The Effects of Exhaust Flow Rates, Particle Size, and Burner Position. Science of The Total Environment 432(August): 350–356.

Rosenbaum, M., 2012. An Induction Cooktop for Our Kitchen. Guest Blog, Green Building Advisor.

Seltenrich, N., 2014. Take Care in the Kitchen: Avoiding Cooking-Related Pollutants. , Environmental Health Perspectives 122(6): A154–A159.

Singer, B.C., Delp, W.W., and Apte, M.G., 2010. Experimental Evaluation of Installed Cooking Exhaust Fan Performance. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL Report LBNL-4183E.

Singer, B. C., Delp, W.W., Price, P.N., and Apte, M.G., 2012. Performance of Installed Cooking Exhaust Devices. Indoor Air 22(3): 224–234.

Singer, B.C., Pass, R.Z., Delp, W.W., Lorenzetti, D.M., and Maddalena, R.L., 2017. Pollutant Concentrations and Emission Rates from Natural Gas Cooking Burners without and with Range Hood Exhaust in Nine California Homes. Building and Environment 122(September): 215–229.

Sjaastad, A.K., Jørgensen, R.B., and Svendsen, K., 2010. Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Mutagenic Aldehydes and Particulate Matter during Pan Frying of Beefsteak. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, January.

Sjaastad, A.K., & Svendsen, K., 2010. Different Types and Settings of Kitchen Canopy Hoods and Particulate Exposure Conditions during Pan-Frying of Beefsteak. Indoor and Built Environment 19(2): 267–274.

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Sonne, J., Withers, C., and Vieira, R., 2015. Investigation of the Effectiveness and Failure Rates of Whole-house Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Florida. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL., Final Report: FSEC-CR-2002-15, June 1.

Stratton, C., 2015. Kitchen Ventilation. Home Energy Magazine, March–April.

Stratton, J.C., and Singer, B. 2014. Addressing Kitchen Contaminants for Healthy, Low-Energy Homes.  LBNL- 6547E.

Svedahl, S., Svendsen, K., Qvenild, T., Sjaastad, A.K., and Hilt, B., 2009. Short Term Exposure to Cooking Fumes and Pulmonary Function. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (London, England) 4: 9.

Thiébaud, H.P., M.G. Knize, P.A. Kuzmicky, D.P. Hsieh, and J.S. Felton. 1995. Airborne Mutagens Produced by Frying Beef, Pork and a Soy-Based Food. Food and Chemical Toxicology 33(10): 821–828.

Turns, M., 2013.  Reducing Appliance Backdrafting Risks with HVAC-Integrated Makeup Air Systems. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 15(1): 311–316.

US EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 2014. Energy, Weatherization and Indoor Air Quality. Overviews and Factsheets. Office of Air and Radiation. September 15.

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Windmeyer, B., 2019. Chief Technology Officer, Home Ventilation Institute, Morehead City, NC. Personal communication, February 1.

Zhang, Q., Gangupomu, R.H., Ramirez, D., and Zhu, Y., 2010. Measurement of Ultrafine Particles and Other Air Pollutants Emitted by Cooking Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7(4): 1744–1759.