ROCIS Low Cost Monitoring Project
Participant Expectations

With more than 60 monitoring cohorts to date, the ROCIS team and our participants have learned a great deal about low-cost monitors and the relevance of the information they provide. We have developed systems to help interpret and visualize data, as well as to offer customized, actionable steps to improve indoor air quality. As participants, you continue to help the ROCIS LCMP team to improve our process, feedback, and the value to you and your household. Your data helps us better understand the potential and best applications for both behavioral and technical interventions to reduce particles. We also monitor for other pollutants—carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and radon—which can reveal ongoing health risks from your house or the appliances within it. Your participation helps build the base of knowledge to improve the quality of air in our homes and workplaces and reduce the effects of poor outdoor air quality.
1) Understand How to Use Monitors to Empower Occupants
- What monitors/visualization create the most appropriate call to action in reducing indoor exposure?
- What process is effective for supporting and maintaining occupant engagement?
2) Collect Baseline Data
- How do outdoor particles affect indoor particle counts?
- How do house/building and mechanical system characteristics influence the indoor/outdoor particle count relationships?
3) Explore the Impact of Behavioral and Technical Interventions
- Can low-cost monitors increase the effectiveness of the operation of a home’s filtration systems?
- When is it appropriate to use a central air handler and high MERV filter to reduce particles in a home, and what determines/predicts the range of effectiveness?
4) Support and Create Champions!


- All online meetings are 75 minutes
- All meeting times are the same: first at 7 PM (Mondays & Thursdays) and repeated at noon the next day (Tuesdays & Fridays)—attend either evening or daytime as suits your schedule
- All meetings are recorded and the better session recording is shared
- Participation in each meeting is either “required” or “recommended”
- Each meeting will provide time for questions/discussion
Sample Cohort Schedule & Topics
Each virtual meeting is offered twice: first in an evening session (Monday or Thursday) and repeated as a daytime session (Tuesday or Friday).
All Monday/Thursday evening sessions are 7:00–8:15 PM; Tuesday/Friday daytime sessions are 12:00–1:15 PM.
Intro Webinar**
Session 1: Cohort Kick-off**
Session 2: Check-in
Session 3: Dylos Data Downloading**
Session 4: What are “Good” Numbers?
Session 5: Filtration Interventions**
Session 6: Behavioral Interventions
Session 7: Access to Online Resources
Session 8: Health Impacts of Particles and Your Questions
Session 9: Wrap-up Meeting and Close**
** Indicates required sessions. To gain the full value of participating, attendance at all meetings is recommended.
Participant To-Dos
Prior to Kick-off Meeting
Complete surveys:
- ROCIS Cohort Registration
- House Characterization Survey
And optionally:
- Join our private group on Facebook and follow ROCIS on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X
- Download Smell Pittsburgh App
By Saturday of Week 1
- Complete and sign Terms of Use
- Place and plug in monitors (one Dylos needs to be in a protected outdoor location w/ power)
- Take photos of (a) signed Terms of Use and (b) equipment as set up in monitoring locations
- Upload photos of (a) your signed Terms of Use, (b) equipment in set up location, and (c) your head shot or your household for our virtual group photo
- Confirm with us (by text or email) that everything is set up and working
Ongoing Monitoring
- Daily monitor checks (5–7 minutes)
Weeks 1 & 2: Check all monitors twice a day (5 out of 7 days)
Weeks 3 & 4: Check monitors a minimum of once a day (5 out of 7 days) - Keep a diary/log of activity in your home/workplace daily (5–7 minutes)
- Collect data and upload to ROCIS weekly (15–30 minutes)
- Continue to monitor and experiment! (Weeks 2, 3, & 4)
Prior to Wrap-up Meeting
- Repack equipment and kit and make arrangements for pick-up
- Complete close-out survey